Monday 15 October 2012

I think that the only reason people hold onto memories so tight is because memories are the only things that dont change; when everybody else does.

Something which Ive found on someone 's blog and I want to share with all of you.

Something Called FAITH.
I believe most parents want the best for their children. (There are some who just couldn’t care less too.)
And sometimes, even if their children tend to disappoint them with the choices they make or the path they take, the parents will eventually be there for them. Eventually because well, parents need some time to digest and understand why things happen or why things do not go as what they have planned for their children. Major heartbreak, you know?
As humans, we often err . We forget that we can only plan or do so much. We forget that we cannot determine the future. As a result, many decisions in life are difficult to make, largely because the future itself is that hard to predict.
You know, when I was younger , I did not appreciate the discipline imposed by my parents, and often showed the ugly side of me to my parents to show my protest. I wanted freedom so badly as a teenager and I thought I was treated like a prisoner. HAHA! I had tight curfews, I could not use the phone at night, and I was not even allowed to talk to my male friends. There was once, my dad threw my pager for coming home thirty minutes late. My curfew was at 10 pm, but I ended up reaching home at 10.30 pm. Then, I was grounded for a few days. I blogged about this before, so you can read more about this HERE. 
I cried for so many days, and thought my parents did not understand me. I thought my parents were mean and ridiculously strict. I envied my friends who had the freedom to do whatever they wanted.
The rest is history because my parents somehow learnt to accept how I wanted things to be. They S L O O O W L Y learnt to let go, even though my curfews still remained even after I got engaged. Yeahh. And now, they are what I call, MY SUPER COOL PARENTS!
But hey, look at me today. I am no minister, magistrate or doctor (even though they wanted me to be one) but I believe I am someone that my parents can still be very proud of. And I think that matters to me more than anything else in this world; to be able to bring pride and joy with my hard work and achievements to my parents , my kids, my husband and in short, my family. It was only after I became a parent myself did I finally understand why my parents did what they did…

I am their firstborn, I am their daughter, and I was their hope and dreams.

I did not manage to fulfill some of their dreams and hopes, and for that, I used to wish I could turn back time and make amends. I regret some of my past actions even until now but hey, I have also learnt to accept the fact that I am not perfect. I have learnt to accept my flaws and my imperfections. I have learnt to move on and let go.
And that’s what we should all do too; TO MOVE ON AND LEARN TO LET GO.
Life is too short to bear grudges. Life is too short to make enemies. Life is too short to be petty over every single thing.
True, sometimes life can hit you hard. Sometimes, you get knocked down and you don’t even see it coming. Some can hit you so hard and bring you down to your knees. When this happens, it’s not about how or where you got hit. It’s not about who exactly hit you. It’s about how hard you got hit, but still find the strength to get back up and move forward without looking back.
But then it all goes back to character. Your character is not defined by what happens to you, but rather by how you react to things. Sometimes, you have to fully accept that you yourself are responsible for the quality and condition of your life. My question is, how badly do you want something, and how badly will you fight for it? If you choose to do nothing about it because it is less painful that way, then the real pain is not gone but simply…deferred. And when that someone/something is really gone, what do you do? Will you regret because you gave up too soon or did not try hard enough? Or will you just wish for the best for that someone or something, and really mean it? How will you handle things, no matter how bad they can get?
 At the end of the day, faith is what keeps you going.
And if you let it, faith will somewhat deliver you to your destination in life one fine day, no matter how long it will take.

“Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.”


Its been long since my last post here. This space is getting dusty. But who cares, RIGHT?

Life has been beautiful ( even if theres ups and downs). Changing jobs and finally, am working somewhere near to home and school. THANKS GOD.
School has been alright. Guess, I'll be graduating next year thanks to FA. Fcuk FA, reallly.
Family has been alright & AM SERIOUSLY, CANT WAIT TO BE AN UNTY! UNTY AYU!
GFs has been alright. Fought, hugs and love again. 
and lastly, Love has been ok. Loving N each day. Never thought we could make it this far. Amin (:

& thats a summup of my life. xx

Anyhoos, Ive been posting quotes and moreeeee quotes coz I believed, by reading quotes, it motivates me & help me to live each day happily. 

The quotes that i posted kinda meaningful to me. So, am gnna share the quotes that I found.

Quotes makes me smile. Its like a dosage to me, everyday.
When I feel down, lonely, angry, sad, moody.
Something to perks me up, keep me going and sane. (:

Living live to the fullest right now.
God bless ya'll.



Till now, my heart skips a beat whenever we meet.

I love this kinda feeling. hehe


Life's Highs...

1. Laughing hysterically
2. Dancing your heart out
3. Star gazing
4. Shopping
5. Going to the beach
6. Listening to the rain
7. Ice-cream on a hot day
8. Feeling wanted
9. Getting that warm, fuzzy feeling when you think about the one you love
10. ReceIving text messages
11. Personal jokes
12. ComplIments
13. Late night phone calls
14. Christmas
15. Hugs
16. Kisses
17. Knowing someone misses you
18. Knowing someone is thinking of you
19. Good dreams
20. Skipping school for a day
21. Lying on the grass starring into the sky
22. Going up to the snow
23. Jumping into a warm bed on a cold night
24. Seeing your guys/girls name on your mobile when it rings
25. Your first kiss 
26. Talking for hours about absolutely nothing
27. Looking back on the laughs
28. Receiving presents
29. Giving presents
30. Birthdays
31. Air conditioning when it's hot
32. Being full of energy
33. Seeing your boyfriend/girlfriend
34. Watching someone do something stupid, and them thinking no one saw
35. Nice smelling perfume/cologne/deodorant
36. Good hair days
37. Turning on the radio to hear that your favourite song is being played
38. Running into an old friend
39. Strolling along the pier at night
40. Finding $5 on the ground
41. Being home alone
42. Reading a good magazine
43. Sun baking
44. Sleeping in
45. Watching the sun come up
46. Seeing a shooting star
47. Waking up to find the person you love in your arms
48. Weekends
49. Holidays
50. Jumping on a trampoline
51. Sitting infront on the fire on a cold evening
52. Smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies
53. Singing into your hairbrush in your room
54. Bubble baths
55. Turning up your sterio as loud as it will go
56. Being so happy it makes you cry
57. Summer
58. Finally completing somthing you started a long time ago
58. Achieving a long time goal
59. Warm nights
60. Falling in love...

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.


I've learned that things change, people change, and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories. Letting go doesn't mean giving up... it means accepting that some things weren't meant to be."

Facts of life

Treasure every moment that you have! And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with. And remember time waits for no one.

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why its called the present.



Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day.
Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course?
Each of us has such a bank. It's name is TIME.
Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds.
Every night it writes off as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to a good purpose.
It carries over no balance. It allows no over draft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day.
If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no drawing against "tomorrow."
You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success!
The clock is running!! Make the most of today.

To realise the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.

To realise the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realise the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realise the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realise the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who just missed a train.

To realise the value of ONE SECOND, ask someone who just avoided an accident.

To realise the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal at the Olympics.

Feelings change - memories don't.

Something to share. Which bring me to tears xx

Her hair was up in a ponytail
Her favorite dress tied with a bow
Today was Daddy's Day at school
And she couldn't wait to go.
But her mommy tried to tell her,
That she probably should stay home.
Why the kids might not understand,
If she went to school alone.
But she was not afraid;
She knew just what to say.
What to tell her classmates
Of why he wasn't there today.
But still her mother worried,
For her to face this day alone.
And that was why once again,
She tried to keep her daughter home.
But the little girl went to school,
Eager to tell them all.
About a dad she never sees,
A dad who never calls.
There were daddies along the wall in back,
For everyone to meet
Children squirming impatently,
Anxious in their seats.
One by one the teacher called,
Each student from the class.
To introduce their daddy,
As seconds slowly passed.
At last the teacher called her name,
Every child turned to stare.
Each of them was searching,
For a man who wasn't there.
"Where's her daddy at?"
She heard a boy call out.
"She probably doesn't have one"
Another student dared to shout.
And from somewhere near the back,
She heard a daddy say,
"Looks like another deadbeat dad,
Too busy to waste his day."
The words did not offened her,
As she smiled up at her mom.
And looked back at her teacher,
Who told her to go on.
And with hands behind her back,
Slowly she began to speak.
And out from the mouth of a child,
Came words incredibly unique.
"My daddy couldn't be here,
Because he lives so far away.
But I know he wishes he could be,
Since this is such a special day.
And though you cannot meet him,
I wanted you to know.
All about my daddy,
And how much he loves me so.
He loved to tell me stories
He taught me to ride my bike.
He surprised me with pink roses,
And taught me to fly a kite.
We used to share fudge sundaes,
and ice cream in a cone.
And though you cannot see him,
I'm not standing here alone.
Cause my daddy's always with me
Even though we are apart.
I know because he told me,
He'll forever be in my heart."
With that, her little hand reached up,
and lay across her chest.
Feeling her own heartbeat,
Beneath her favorite dress.
And from somewhere in the crowd of dads,
Her mother stood in tears.
Proudly watching her daughter,
Who was wise beyond her years.
For she stood up for the love
Of a man not in her life.
Doing what was best for her,
Doing what was right.
And when she dropped her hand back down,
Staring straight into the crowd.
She finished with a voice so soft,
But its message clear and loud.
"I love my daddy very much,
He's my shining star.
And if he could he'd be here,
But heaven's just too far.
You see he was a fireman
And died just this past year.
When airplanes hit the towers
And taught Americans to fear.
But sometimes when I close my eyes,
It's like he never went away."
And then she closes her eyes,
And saw him there that day.
And to her mother's amazement,
She witnessed with surprise.
A room full of daddies and children,
All starting to close their eyes.
Who knows what they say before them,
Who knows what they felt inside.
Perhaps for merely a second,
They saw him at her side.
"I know you're with me Daddy."
To the silence she called out.
And what happened next made believers,
Of those once filled with doubt.
Not one in that room could explain it,
For each of their eyes had been closed.
But there on the desk beside her,
Was a fragrant long-stemmed pink rose.
And a child was blessed, if only for a moment,
By the love of her shining bright star.
And given the gift of believing,
That heaven is never too far

You've got to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you've got, and remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget. Learn from mistakes, but never regret.